Cistercians and Regular Canons in Medieval Western Europe
Special Issue: Cistercians and Regular Canons in Medieval Western Europe, edited by Claude Lucette Evans and Kenneth Paul Evans
Table des matières
Matters of Faith and Cistercian Saints
Cisterciens et Chanoines Réguliers: la réforme de l'Église par le retour aux origines – BERNARD ARDURA
Vox de coelis originem ducitis - Aelred of Rievaulx as Preacher on Synods– RALF LÜTZELSCHWAB
The Cult of the Saints in Medieval Cistercian English Houses (XIIth – XVth century): A Forgotten Phenomenon– EMILIA JAMROZIAK
Settlements, Expansion and Frontiers
The Cistercians in Marchia Wallia and Pura Wallia: Monasteries, Communities, and Identities – JANET BURTON
Cistercian Abbeys in the Landscape: Settlements, Patrons and Visual Culture in Twelfth-Century Scandinavia – KERSTI MARKUS
Émergence et expansion des Cisterciens et des Chanoines réguliers en Normandie (XIIe siècle-début XIIIe siècle) – CHRISTOPHE MAUDUIT
The Fragmented Thirteenth Century History of the Beauport Churches in the Dioceses of Dol, Tréguier, Saint-Brieuc and Lincoln: A New Exploration of the Sources – CLAUDE LUCETTE EVANS
Social and Material Culture
Identification multifactorielle du processus d'implantation des monastères cisterciens de Normandie par l'intermédiaire d'un protocole d'étude globale – JEAN-BAPTISTE VINCENT
La construction et l’évolution des prieurés victorins (XIIe-XVIe siècles, Bassin parisien) : bilan et perspectives de recherche – JULIE COLAYE-RABIANT
Acceptation et refus de la modernité stylistique dans l’architecture cistercienne: l’exemple de la Bretagne – YVES GALLET
‘Missionaries of Gothic’: The State of Research and Open Questions on the Beginnings of Gothic Architecture in England, Scotland and Wales – MALCOLM THURLBY
The Mysterious Paimpol Triptych from Beauport Abbey: A Work by a Follower of the Hans Memling Workshop? – HARRIET SONNE DE TORRENS